Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 5 & 6 combined -- Living in the real world....

Last night I got in bed, iPad in hand, ready to write for day 5. Matt seemed tired so it thought it was a good time to get to work. I was totally ignoring him, reading the writing prompt and thinking about some ideas. Then he asked me a question and I was shaken back to reality.

I put my iPad aside and focused on him. It made me realize -- how much have I missed out on always having an electronic device attached to my body at all times? How many important conversations have we never had because he just didn't bother to "interrupt" me?

I made a promise at that moment to be more engaged, more present to him so I don't miss out on those moments. If you know me, you know my love for technology and social media. That's not going to go away. But the love I have for connection and relationship needs to be rooted in the real, not the virtual, world.

Let's do this together -- what are the ways you can live "on purpose", intentionally focusing on those around you? How can you better pay attention and focus on the ones you love?

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