Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Write the kind of story you'd like to read. People will give you all sorts of advice about writing, but if you're not writing something you like, no one else will like it either. -- Meg Cabot

Day Three of the 21 Day Writing Challenge.
Day One of what I'm calling "Operation Caffeine Free".

Both will be challenging, both will be good for me.

I spent today shopping with my dear friend Vince. Not for me, not for him, but for his alter ego, drag queen Tori Heart.

When you are leaving Charlotte Russe, boy-sized corset in hand with the store manager asking to come to your drag performance, you know it's been a successful day.

For a while now, Vince and I have been wanting to write a book or launch a TV show. Pie in the sky dreams but we think our lives are entertaining. Problem is -- would anyone read it or watch it?

I guess there is no point in writing it or putting it on film if it will go nowhere. Or is there?

We think it's funny, we are amused by it -- shouldn't we write about it if we like it?

The stories we can tell are the kind of stories we'd like to read so I guess we should move forward -- potential readers and viewers be damned -- and, if for no other reason, write it for ourselves.

We have claimed a blog address and when there is anything for you to read, we will let you know.

I guess we should stop worrying about it and just write it. Stay tuned.....

Thought for today: Don't just dream it, do it.

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome and I love following your blog. Congrats for taking on this challenge! Although I think the caffeine free thing is loony..... :)
